The chillbox command is a tool to render local files from templates and automate uploading files to servers in a secure and automated fashion.

Secrets are handled locally and requires gpg to encrypt a local asymmetric private key that it will generate. The private key is used to encrypt all rendered local files as well as any secrets that are stored for the user. A chillbox archive directory will hold state files needed for a given project. A chillbox configuration file in TOML format is also required. The chillbox configuration file defines various files, secrets, users, and server information.

The chillbox script can be installed on the local machine with the Python package installer pip.

pip install chillbox

1. Requirements

Please ensure that these are available on the local machine.

  • Python version 3.9+

  • gpg, from GnuPG. To encrypt and decrypt the chillbox asymmetric keys that are generated.

  • openssl, from OpenSSL. To create asymmetric and symmetric keys used for encrypting and decrypting sensitive data like secrets.

  • Various software that is common on most systems (part of the coreutils): mktemp, shred, dd.

2. Tutorials

Each tutorial builds on the next and so it is recommended to follow them in order. Project files for each one (if applicable) are available as a zip file.

3. How-to guides


4. Technical reference


5. Explanation


6. Notes

Documentation follows the guidelines set by the Divio Documentation System.